Tenured/permanent São Paulo, Brazil Apply
Universidade de São Paulo
Instituto de Matemática e Estatística
Rua do Matão 1010
05508-090 São Paulo
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The IME-USP Statistics Department, São Paulo-Brazil, is with an open position for a Professor in Satistics and/or Probability.

Edital ATAc - 044/2023

Registration until: June 17, 2024

Salary: R (May 2023)

Areas of knowledge: Statistics and/or Probability

Please note that, at the request of the candidate, at the time of registration, the walk-in interview can be taken in English.

More information can be obtained at the links https://www.ime.usp.br/concursos/


or contact Prof. Fábio Prates Machado at fmachado at http://ime.usp.br

Application Instructions

Registration until: June 17, 2024

Salary: R (May 2023)

Areas of knowledge: Statistics and/or Probability

Please note that, at the request of the candidate, at the time of registration, the walk-in interview can be taken in English.

More information can be obtained at the links



or contact Prof. Fábio Prates Machado at fmachado at http://ime.usp.br

(Add to Calendar)
This employer is not accepting applications through MathHire.org. Please follow the instructions above and refer to MathHire.org in your application.
Contact Person
Prof. Fabio Machado
11 55 30916129