Tenure-track Stuttgart, Germany Apply
University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart
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The Department of Mathematics of the University of Stuttgart invites applications for a

Tenure Track Professorship (W1) in Mathematical Statistics

at the Institute of Stochastics and Applications.

The professorship is aimed at outstanding young scientists in the early career phase who are internationally recognized in one or more modern areas of mathematical statistics.
The professorship should be linked to and complement the Institute of Stochastics and Applications and the Department of Mathematics, and should be open to interdisciplinary cooperation with other faculties, the Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SC SimTech), or other cross-faculty activities such as the various Stuttgart Research Centers.
In addition to teaching in the mathematics degree programs, the tasks of this professorship also include participation in mathematical education for students of natural sciences and engineering as well as computer science and economics.

We are searching for an individual who is distinguished by high-ranking scientific publications with international visibility.
The deadline for applications is July 31th, 2024.
More information about the position and the application process can be found at

Application Instructions

Written applications (including CV, list of publications, teaching and research programme, short application form (f08.uni-stuttgart.de/en/organization/job-postings)) should be sent in electronic form no later than July 31th, 2024 preferably as a single PDF file.

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This employer is not accepting applications through MathHire.org. Please follow the instructions above and refer to MathHire.org in your application.
Contact Person
Prof. Dominik Göddeke