Phd/doctoral Braunschweig, Germany Apply
TU Braunschweig
Institute for Numerical Analysis
Universitätsplatz 2
38106 Braunschweig
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The Institute for Numerical Analysis is offering a doctoral position for a DFG-supported project on Efficient broad-band simulation of large scale vibroacoustic systems with random input data within a joined cooperation with the Institute for Acoustics and Dynamics at TU Braunschweig. The position is a two-third part time position (2/3 E13 TV-L) according to the regulations of the State of Lower Saxony, starting 1st of October 2024. The position can be upgraded with another one-third regular institute position (1/3 E13 TV-L) with regular teaching duties according to Lower Saxonian law and the associated teaching regulations.

With funding from the DFG, the project aims to establish efficient reduced order models, surrogate models and efficient high performance solution methods for problems arising from broad-band simulation of large scale vibroacoustic systems with random input data.

Application Instructions

To qualify for a doctoral position, the doctoral researcher is required to have completed a master’s degree and qualify for a PhD program in mathematics.

Priority will be given to a candidate’s qualification and according to what is stipulated in the paragraph above.

Other requirements are

  • a master’s degree in mathematics with focus on numerical analysis. Particularly, good knowledge of numerical linear algebra methods is appreciated,
  • advanced programming skills,
  • good ability to co-operate as well as independence and take initiative,
  • strong skills in written and spoken English.

Desired qualifications include

  • A strong background in numerical linear algebra methods for large-scale problems,
  • good knowledge about model order reduction methods and in particular their efficient
  • sufficient background knowledge about uncertainty quantification,
  • ability to perform a theoretical analysis of numerical methods,
  • ability to program (MATLAB, C, C++, OpenMP).

A full application should include

  • personal letter,
  • curriculum vitae (CV) with publication list,
  • certified copy of master’s degree certificate,
  • list of completed academic courses and grades,
  • copy of master’s thesis and relevant articles,
  • other documents that the applicant wishes to claim.


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Contact Person
Prof. Matthias Bollhöfer
+49 531 391 7536